We offer the opportunity for class groups to visit and receive tours of both of our ACDL locations.
Visits are typically one hour, and staff can accommodate groups of up to 30 students. Schedule a visit here preferably no later than two weeks prior to the date desired with an understanding that not all requested dates will be available.
Request for Class Visit to the Library Form
If you have a unique or otherwise atypical request contact the Youth Services Manager, Sybil Cybulski at 440.990.2330.
Grade K-2:
Will get a brief tour of the library, a short story read to them, and a presentation on how to use the library and how to treat a book. They can also check out one book each.
Grades 3-5:
Will get a brief tour of the library and a presentation on how to use the library. If time allows, older students may play a special scavenger hunt game or other library activity to reinforce the skills they just learned.
Grades 6-12:
Contact the library for more information.